SC, Rev,and RB speed test

Monte Goulding monte at
Sat Apr 17 21:10:18 EDT 2004

> Hope this is interesting, not to mention helpful.

Very interesting and remarkable ;-)

This can be still further optimised in a two ways:
 - declare all variables (this saves a few milliseconds)
 - turn tMatch into a script local and determine if it has changed so as to
cut some of the prep time on subsequent attempts

The result is something like this:

local sMatch,sOldMatch

on mouseUp
  local tFind,tSearch,tLine,tMatchList, \
      	 tTicks,tList,k1,k2,k3,inWord,inLine ,MatchList
  set cursor to watch
  put empty into field "TheResults"
  put ticks() into tTicks
  put field "targetText" into tMatchList
  put field "SearchTextList" into tList
  --if tMatchList <> sOldMatch then
  --put tMatchList into sOldMatch
  -- stripping quotes from both sets saves problems with single quotes
  --  or with quoted strings being treated as a word
  replace quote with empty in tMatchList
  -- Prepare the target text in all consecutive  triplet groups
  repeat for each word inWord in tMatchList
    put k2 into k1
    put k3 into k2
    put inWord into k3
    put true into sMatch[k1 && k2 && k3]
  end repeat
  --end if
  replace quote with empty in tList
  repeat for each line inLine in tList
    if the number of words of inLine = 3 then
      put true into tSearch[inLine]
      --Do a simple search for groups other than three words
      if inLine is in tMatchList then
        put inLine & return after MatchList
      end if
    end if
  end repeat
  -- Now for the Revolution!
  intersect tSearch with sMatch
  put keys(tSearch) & cr & MatchList into field "TheResults"
  put ticks()-tTicks && "ticks" &cr after fld "SpeedRecords"
end mouseUp

PS There seems to be only 2 lines with > 3 words per line. If these were
removed from the search text list it would enable tSearch to be moved to a
script local too and allow for much faster second and subsequent runs.

Results of this version are 39 ticks on first run and 35 ticks on subsequent
runs without changing the data.



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