Using a card for printing reports

Rob Cozens rcozens at
Thu Apr 15 17:46:51 EDT 2004

>The only problem I'm having now is my test stack that was converted
>from Hypercard keeps crashing RunRev. I think it is something to do with all
>the background flds that are now individual group fields as trying to change
>them to one group causes a crash almost every time.

Hi Bill,

Open your stack and, from the message box type "set the HCAddressing 
of this stack to false".  (While you're at it, also type "set the 
dynamicPaths of this stack to false".)  Then save your stack.

When a HyperCard stack is converted to Run Rev, these properties are 
both true--which is exactly opposite of the default settings for 
Revolution stacks.  If HCAddressing is true and I add a new field, 
"Delivery Date" to a card, 'put [whatever] into field "Delivery 
Date"' will fail with "No Such Object":  Transcript expects 'put 
[whatever] into CARD field "Delivery Date"' when HCAddressing is on.

This still leaves you with the background conversion issue; but at 
least you won't be wondering (as I have more than once) 'what do you 
mean "No Such Object"?; I can see it in the Application Browser"!', 
and hopefully you'll crash less often.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

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