One vs many stacks (Was: Some Basic Misunderstandings ...)

David Squance squance at
Wed Apr 14 23:59:48 EDT 2004

>If you keep the project's files to a single folder next to the app or
>referenced to a subfolder stack it should be fine. Dont mess with substacks
>too much except for fixed pop-up windows (eg about, help, ask, answer,
This caught my eye, because last night I saw one of my projects on a
Windows machine for the first time.  Besides the splashscreen, it has 4
stacks (one main and the rest sub) plus a few palettes.  I noticed that
each substack had it's own thingamee in that whatsit at the bottom of the
screen.  Coming from a HyperCard background, I got used to having different
stacks for different backgrounds.  From a design viewpoint (and any other,
for that matter) I take it you're suggesting I'd be better off going with a
single stack (plus subs for palettes, modals, etc.)  It would probably be
relatively easy to copy the cards from the substacks and paste them onto
the main stack, and the scripting corrections would not be too onerous.
I'm assuming if this project ever goes anywhere, it will be mainly used on
Windows, so I want to make it as straightforward in that environment as

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