Some Basic Misunderstandings/Problems with RunRev - aka Help!

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Apr 14 13:24:38 EDT 2004

David Burgun wrote:
>> the stack that has been turned into a standalone CANNOT be "saved as..."!
>> Simply because the stack IS now the standalone. 
> Then PLEASE could someone just tell me how I save a Standalone Stack 
> PLEASE!!! I've been asking questions about this all day and I'm just 
> going round and round and round in circles.

He did: executable files on Windows and UNIX cannot modify themselves. 
The Mac version of Rev enforces this for consistency.

You could, however, use the clone command to clone the stack, using 
answer file to set the stack's filename property and then save the clone.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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