CGI POST Failure to read Stdin

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Thu Apr 8 09:15:47 EDT 2004

At 3:01 pm +0200 8/4/04, Pierre Sahores wrote:

>I experimented this,a  long time ago... At least with the 2.3.2 and
>above issues of the engine, MC/Rev is failing 1 time peer 20 periods in
>handling "POST" requests in CGI mode.
>It's a sad reproductible bug we spoken about with Scott Raney, a long
>time ago, on and off-list, without getting any way to solve
>definitivelly the problem.

Have you tested this recently, Pierre? I've been using the 2.5 engine 
extensively on Windows (with IIS) and on OS X (with Apache) for CGI 
and haven't encountered any problems with POST. (As long as you're 
careful about reading in the data from stdin.) In fact, I've found it 
remarkably stable.

The only hitch I've found is with IIS on Windows, where it's a good 
idea to put a short wait (20 milliseconds) before the "end startup" 
line in the script (this is not just for POST but GET as well).

I'd be interested to hear of other people's experience.


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