Hello from a Filemaker renegade

Norman Winn norman at mrsystems.co.uk
Thu Apr 8 06:24:37 EDT 2004


Thanks for all the replies. The URLs given mean I have quite a lot of 
studying to do before being able to add much to the debate. A couple of 
replies off-list have suggested I make my needs more clear.

1) Current solution has about 15 users accessing stuff from FM server.
2) Solution is not web enabled. This ability would be handy. Are RR 
stacks inherently web ready? I suspect not.

Just a few criticisms/observations:

One aspect of RR development I am disappointed in is the syntax 
checking in scripts. Seems to let many errors through. Why don't I get 
feedback when I click 'Apply'?  I accept syntax analysis is more 
difficult when objects don't have to be declared.

Why doesn't the 'Window' menu include the help windows I have open?

Have suffered a crash (OS X 10.3.3). Think this was due to a button 
script acting on an empty object.

Which objects should I use to make a grid display of small, simple 
images? I want to have around 30 variables that contain images, say 
16X16 pixels. The grid would fill with these images depending on 
external data. Columns represent days and rows represent the timeline 
of a stock item (resource). Tell me to go away and do the work if this 
is too detailed a question,


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