Selecting a range within an array?

Brian Yennie briany at
Wed Apr 7 20:04:33 EDT 2004

> This doesn't seem efficient. If I already have a large array (in my 
> case 1000000 rows and only 1 column) then if I want [50000,1] to 
> [134000,1] into a new array looping seems like I'm not really taking 
> advantage of what already exists in memory (in my case).
> ...
> I am stuck with arrays but I really would like to have a faster 
> solution... unless there is something that I'm missing??

What exactly are you trying to do with a million rows in an array? It 
may be that this is a weakness of Rev's array being associative: they 
are not stored in numeric order under the hood, so it's not trivial to 
pull out a range...

- Brian

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