Another Area For Document Development
Wilhelm Sanke
sanke at
Tue Apr 6 17:41:37 EDT 2004
In reply to the post of Dave Calkins <davecalk at> on Mon, 7
Apr 2003:
Hello Dave,
found your detailed replies to my lengthy post - if only under subject
"use-revolution Digest" and quoting me as
"use-revolution at". Although I sympathize with Revolution
from a critical distance and defended the documentation as the better
part of the IDE, I naturally still feel as a person as distinct from and
surely not in total symbiosis with Revolution.
I had written in my post "This does not mean that I would not agree with
you on some of your proposals." and I had also expressed the
expectation that the Rev team were in a state of mind to accept the
direction of your proposals.
Part of the discussion following your first post dealt with sample
stacks, an aspect I certainly had neglected in my reply.
Actually, we make ample use of tutorials and sample stacks in our
courses, i.e. in our multimedia workshops at our university which are
open for students from all departments, the majority of enrolling
students coming from informatics/economy and social sciences. The
tutorials and sample stacks are adapted to the presumed needs of these
students, part of which have only the minimum requirement of feeling at
least familiar with a text processing application, others may come with
some knowledge of Powerpoint, Visual Basic, Javascript, HTML etc.
This means we need to design our own samples especially directed at this
audience. There are three places in the course where sample stacks are
used as additional material:
At the beginning we show sample stacks to motivate and give an idea of
what can be achieved with Metacard/Revolution. Some of the stacks we use
at this point are examples developed by students in earlier courses.
Then, accompanying the first assignments, a number of sample stacks are
introduced (or made accessible for free use) that cover basic principles
and illustrate simpler tasks - like modification of textchunks, changing
object properties, animated icons, using backgrounds and menus, adding
pop-up annotations with the help of a glossary card, developing a simple
word (vocabulary) trainer, matching and drag-and-drop exercises, using
polygons over images to create sensitive areas, using and combining
visual effects, using modal dialogs, cursors and graphic buttons, read
from and write to external files, connect to the net and download stacks
The last category are sample stacks that are geared nearer to the field
of study or interest of the individual student, as each student has to
complete a project from his special field until the end of the semester
or shortly after that. The students develop their specific ideas which
are assessed in group or personal discussions about which seems feasible
- according to the individual level of competence and the possibilities
of the xtalk language. At this stage we offer proposals for design and
algorithms, may produce sample scripts and small stacks showing a
possible direction of development, snippets of code and stacks they can
exploit and further develop or integrate into their final product.-
What you probably have in mind are sample stacks and tutorials from
category two. As complements of the documentation they would indeed be
helpful and they may be urgently needed by persons learning on their
own. The task remains to determine which "basics" really need to be
covered and how and by whom they could be collected or produced. I
think, as a first basic collection we need about 30 sample stacks?
Wilhelm Sanke
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