Getting a field name

Klaus Major klaus at
Mon Apr 5 13:06:19 EDT 2004

Hi Jim,

this mail also did not make it yesterday evening, somehow...???
Molto misterioso :-)

> ...
> Klaus,
> ...
> What I think is needed is to to be able to solicit the "mouseControl 
> of stack ....",
> to be able to direct the mouseControl function to the stack of 
> interest not the stack
> of the original target.
> I believe that Wouter found the same problem.

Sorry, looks like i misunderstood your problem...

But someone suggested the use of a frontscript, which might be a good 

Just guessing:
Create a button "XYZ" in your palette with this script:

on mouseup
   global the_last_clicked_object
   put the long name of the mousecontrol into the_last_clicked_object
end mouseup

And then add this to your handler:

>>> on mouseup
>>>   answer "Click on the application field." with OK
>>>   if it is empty then exit mouseUP
            insert script of button "XYZ" into front
>>>   wait until the mouseclick
            global the_last_clicked_object
            ## do whatever you wnat with it...
            remove script of btn "XYZ" from front
>>>  end mouseup

Well, as i said, this is a quick thought, not tested, but sounds 
logical to me ;-)

> Jim


Klaus Major
klaus at

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