Important information for Professional, SBE and old Studio license holders

Heather Nagey heather at
Mon Apr 5 12:59:44 EDT 2004

Dear Listees,

Renewals for Small Business Edition and Professional Edition Revolution will
be discontinued from 15th April 2004. You can still buy these license type
renewals from our store until that date with the old pricing, after that you
will need to crossgrade your old style license to one of the new license
types. Small Business cross grades to Studio, Professional cross grades to
Enterprise. This means if you have a Small Business Edition bought more than
a year ago, after 15th April you will need to buy the Studio renewal at the
price of $199. If you have a Professional Edition more than a year old, you
need the Enterprise renewal at $499.

If you bought a Studio license before the release of 2.2, you can purchase
an update pack for the "with license" price of $99 only until April 15th.
After that date, you will need to buy the update pack at the appropriate
rate for a purchase within a year of buying a license or outside a year if
your Studio license is more than a year old.

Store link:


Beware of line wrap! If this link doesn't work for you, you can navigate to
the correct page by going to our online store using the link in the
navigation bar of any of our webpages, then choose "upgrades and
crossgrades" from the menu on the left, then "older license renewals".

Warm regards,


Heather Nagey ~ heather at ~
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
Tel +44 (0) 131 7184333 Fax +44 (0) 845 4588487
~~~ Check our web site for new Revolution editions & special offers ~~~

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