Rev. 2.2/player controller bug on OS X standalones

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Apr 3 23:16:57 EST 2004

On 4/3/04 9:46 PM, Kurt Kaufman wrote:

> I see that the issue concerning audio player controller updates on OS X 
> standalones has not yet been addressed. But I also note that if the 
> mouse is held down on the volume control of the controller while the 
> audio file is playing, the controller appears to update normally.
> I don't suppose there is any way to script this sort of [mouse] 
> activity?   Even if it were possible, would it then prevent any other 
> sort of mouse function- thereby limiting the usefulness of the 
> controller anyway?

See the What's New file for a similar QT problem with a work-around. 
This has been in the engine for a while now. The short answer is to 
script anything that will force the player to redraw.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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