Revolution and WiFi
xbury.cs at
xbury.cs at
Thu Apr 1 01:08:32 EST 2004
Whichever wifi you choose, it should just function as
a network cable should... But with wifi you should consider
that any microwave oven or GSM ringing might temporarily
simulate an EM pulse on your network and cut the link...
Otherwise Wifi is fun! Requires no cabling, has plenty
of security and speed going for it... Wifi over sat is also
coming for broadband I hear...
On 01.04.2004 02:41:15 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
>--- Richard Gaskin <ambassador at>
>> With the sort of net-apps described on Reactor
>> Labs' page at
>> <>
>> and elsewhere, Rev allows you to invent new
>> categories of connected workflows and
>> amusements that make optimal use of both
>> desktop and Internet capabilities.
>this page is very informative
>does Revolution have any characteristics
>that affect wireless transmission?
>anything to consider when buying a computer?
>with 802.11a,b,g, bluetooth, 54g wireless LAN,
>etc. etc. to consider, one wonders which one
>to select with which OS and which computer.
>Erik Hansen
>erik at
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