Selecting text using REGEX
Alex Rice
alex at
Sun Sep 28 13:51:00 EDT 2003
On Sunday, September 28, 2003, at 09:55 AM, Mark Brownell wrote:
> There is probably a regEx way but I have found that this tends to be
> faster in most speed tests.
I believe you it's faster in this case, but regex is usually faster
than one might think. It is after all calling an optimized C library to
do all the work :-)
Here are two trim whitespace functions that had written. To my surprise
the regex variant is way, way faster!
-- regex method
function trim pText
get replaceText(pText, "^\s+", empty)
return replaceText(it, "\s+$", empty)
end trim
-- non regex method
local lWhitespaceChars
on startup
-- prepare list of characters to be used by trim()
-- CRLF = ascii 13+10
put tab & space & CRLF into lWhitespaceChars
end startup
function trim pText
repeat while char 1 of pText is in lWhitespaceChars
delete char 1 of pText
end repeat
repeat while char -1 of pText is in lWhitespaceChars
delete char -1 of pText
end repeat
return pText
end trim
Alex Rice <alex at> | Mindlube Software |
what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable -Ani DiFranco
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