Saving encrypted customProperties outside the app?

Alex Rice alex at
Sat Sep 27 15:12:00 EDT 2003

On Saturday, September 27, 2003, at 01:22  PM, Mark Brownell wrote:
>  So money might act like an energy booster.

But is it drinkable? ;-)

>  I've heard of burn out after about five years, I hope this isn't 
> that. Anyone have or had experience with this or read an article 
> regarding these kind of issues?

I would ask myself:

Is it your project, or someone else's?
Are you genuinely interested in the product, or just a worker bee?
Do you have managers setting up ridiculous milestones and deadlines?
Do you have managers working you 10 or more hours per day?

If the answers are: someone else's, no, yes, yes, then it's probably 
burn out.

Otherwise it's not so bad. I recommend long walk- good meal- sleep - 
then repeat after me "Thank [insert deity here] that I am not 
programming in C".

There are some good personal productivity articles here 
<>. However the author seems to have 
superhuman amounts of optimism and operates in a different dimension 
that has a surplus of time.

Hackers and Painters is an interesting one too 

If it's more an organizational problem than motivational then maybe do 
some UML and/or Use-Case modeling, print the diagrams out, then forget 
about them until the details start to overcome you.

Alex Rice <alex at> | Mindlube Software |

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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