Saving encrypted customProperties outside the app?

Alex Rice alex at
Fri Sep 26 16:15:00 EDT 2003

On Friday, September 26, 2003, at 02:26  PM, Robert Hyde wrote:

> All this speedy input is great!  Unfortunately, I have not been able 
> to test any of this out this afternoon.  And I am not familiar with 
> Emacs, is it associated with Rev?

No it's just a text editor that happily works with binary files. It's 
what I was using to look at my data stack on disk.

> Because I don't want anyone to be able to read the custompropertysets 
> in Rev either.  And every time I opened one of the afore-mentioned 
> stacks within Rev, I can see all of the customproperties even though I 
> have to enter the correct password to get to the code.  At least at 
> 2.02.  But I will explore dumping the customproperties into a script 
> as well as the blowfish option for sure.  So after setting the 
> password to "something" were the customproperties for both text and 
> binary encrypted?  And again, thank you for all the help!

As Richard clarified for me, even though the custom properties ARE 
encrypted in the data stack written to disk, someone with a Rev IDE can 
open the stack and read the custom properties without entering the 
password. The only custom property requiring a password in the IDE is 
the script property. Therefore the weird workarounds that were posted 
about base64encoding custom properties and putting them into the script 
property of a control.

Remaining questions for me:

If the password itself is not part of the encryption scheme, then why 
is a side effect of setting the password to encrypt the stack when 
written to disk?

If the password is not part of the encryption scheme, then at least 
give us a little information about how secure or insecure this stack 
encryption scheme is?

Alex Rice <alex at> | Mindlube Software |

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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