JPEG comment data

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Mon Sep 22 07:12:01 EDT 2003

--- Rodney Tamblyn <rodneytamblyn at>
> Does anyone have an example code snippet of how to
> access COM (comment) 
> or APP1 chunk information from JPEG images in
> Revolution?
> Thanks
> ~ Rodney

Hi Rodney,

Not exactly the sample code you were looking for, but
more a general idea + pointers to the Transcript
functions you might need.

- if it's not too big a file, start by reading it in
its entirety, as a 'binfile' (binary file)
  put URL ("binfile:" & tFilePath) into tFileData

- you can then extract bits and pieces from that
variable, by using 'char 14 to 35' chunks.

- have a look at the 'binaryDecode' function for
decoding all sorts of binary information into
variables (integers, floating points, etc.)

- you may also need the 'base64decode' function if
that's what the file format says.

You may be able to extract the necessary info on the
data format by reading the java code you posted a link
to earlier.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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