Leaving room for the title bar

Igor Couto igor at pixelmedia.com.au
Sun Sep 21 18:13:01 EDT 2003

Dear Graham,

On Sunday, September 21, 2003, at 10:40  PM, Graham Samuel wrote:

> So I repeat my question - how can I know for the various flavours of 
> OS which RunRev allows me to use, the amount of space taken up by 
> these decorations?
> Other listers must have come up against this problem.

I can't speak for others, but I must admit, I haven't come up with this 
problem yet. That is probably because I have never had the need to have 
a windows that takes up the entire screen, and still has decorations in 
it - this must be a 'windows concept', and I am a Mac user... Whenever 
I've had to use a window that takes up the entire screen (such as in a 
kiosk-style multimedia presentation), I always want the decorations 
gone altogether.

It seems to me - perhaps wrongly - that the entire point of the 
decorations is to allow the user to manipulate the window: resize it, 
move it, shrink it, close it, etc. If we are assuming that the user 
will want to do those things with the window, then we must also assume 
that they are going to to this because they want access to other items 
on their desktop - which we should allow them to see... Mac users are 
generally comfortable and used to working with multiple open windows on 
their desktops (and messy desktops and docks, full with tens of icons!).

Only having ever worked *very* occasionally on Windows machines, I 
can't tell whether the same applies to the user-interfaces paradigms 
there. However, I do remember that the 'auto-resize' button in Windows 
windows seemed to automatically resize the window to fit my entire 
screen (which, as a Mac user, I thought was rather odd and annoying). 
If that mechanism is already available in Windows platforms, though, 
then perhaps you don't have to worry about manually implementing it in 
Revolution - if you are only going to deliver on that platform.

On Monday, September 22, 2003, at 03:11  AM, Graham Samuel wrote:

> Well, I seem to be talking to myself, but this may interest some 
> people.

We're all listening! - and thinking very hard, trying to come up with 
something constructive to tell you!

I missed your original posting, so I don't know whether you've already 
given us a description of what it is exactly that you are trying to 
achieve with this interface (ie, what is the problem that you're trying 
to solve by resizing a decorated window to fill the entire screen?). 
Perhaps we can suggest some alternative solutions!


Igor de Oliveira Couto
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