Fun project but fuzzy on logic. "PhoneCALLs"

Dar Scott dsc at
Sat Sep 20 19:50:00 EDT 2003

On Saturday, September 20, 2003, at 05:32 PM, Andy Burns wrote:

> I re-plead "dumb-for-a-day"

Make this function first:

function catProduct sl1 sl2
end catProduct

This function takes two lists and creates the concatenation product.  
That is, it creates another list that is all the ways a string can be 
taken from the first list and concatenated with a string from the 
second list.  If there are n1 strings in the first list and n2 strings 
in the second, the function will return a list of n1 * n2 strings.

Here is an of-the-top-of-my-head stab at that:

function catProduct sl1 sl2
    local cp  -- empty
    repeat for each string s1 in sl1
       repeat for each string s2 in sl2
          put s1 & s2 & LF after cp
       end repeat
    end repeat
    return cp  -- keep final LF
end catProduct

The "identity" of this function is a list consisting of a single line 
with the "identity" of '&', that is, empty.  In Revolution, that is 
simply LF.

Now suppose you built your array phoneCalls to return lines instead of 
words.  You could do this:

put LF into wordList  -- identity
repeat for each char digit in phoneNumber
   put catProduct(wordList, phoneCalls[digit]) into wordList
end repeat
-- optionally remove LF from end of wordList

Again off the top of my head.

This probably has some problems near the ends and near the corners; you 
should tinker with very small trivial phone numbers.

This should get you started.

Whoops.  I forgot to make this a recursion example.  Oh, well.  Maybe 
next time.

Dar Scott

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