Leaving room for the title bar

Graham Samuel livfoss at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Sep 19 16:56:01 EDT 2003

I've been using the WindowBoundingRect property to decide the maximum 
size of a stack (window) in my app, but I don't think that setting a 
stack to the WindowBoundingRect always leaves room for the title bar 
on a normally decorated window. I find the docs confusing on this.

Can anyone tell me simply how I can ensure that a window fills the 
available screen area but shows the title bar, on Windows 98, Windows 
XP, MacOS X and MacOS 9? I don't have enough machines to test on 
here, but I think there may be a problem with XP.

AFAIKS, the 'size' property of a stack as shown in the Stack 
Inspector in the IDE doesn't include the decorations at all (the 
title bar and any side and bottom border graphics supplied by the 
OS). Another way to put my question is to ask if anyone knows of a 
definitive list of the sizes of these decorations.


          Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK & France

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