Variable Watcher bug

Chipp Walters chipp at
Fri Sep 19 01:37:01 EDT 2003


This was just recently discussed, along with fixes posted by Jan Schenkel.
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-revolution-admin at
> [mailto:use-revolution-admin at]On Behalf Of Neil Phillips
> Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 5:49 PM
> To: use-revolution at
> Subject: Variable Watcher bug
> I've just bought the Studio Edition 2.1 and something very strange is
> happening in the Variable Watcher.
> I'm running the program on a Mac G3 in system 9.2.2.
> The actual effect of the script is fine but what's going on in
> the Variable
> Watcher beats me. To clarify what's happening I made a one button
> one field
> stack with the button script as follows:
> on mouseUp
>   put empty into fld 1
>   put "a" into Va
>   put "b" into Vb
>   put Va&return after fld 1
>   put Vb&return after fld 1
> end mouseUp
> When I run the script with a breakpoint I get the following.
> When I step into 'put "a" into Va' the variable watcher is:
> Left column		Right column
> 			mouseU
> mouseU			Va,Vb,tNames,mouseU
> tNames
> Va
> Vb
> As I step through the script on some occasions it will simply put "a" in
> the right coulumn next to tnames and "b" next to Va.
> This may be related to bugs 377 and 378 in Bugzilla.
> However this is not an end to the weirdness.
> I noticed that something I was doing was causing the script to
> step forward
> even when the cursor was nowhere near any of the buttons at the bottom of
> the script window. What I discovered that there was a kind of hot
> spot over
> the word "after" on either of the last two lines of the script. I tried
> replacing "after" with "into" and this did not cause the unwanted stepping
> into. However, when I replaced "into" with "before" the script stepped on
> as it did with "after".
> As this unwanted stepping throught the script happened the
> variable watcher
> became completely scrambled.
> I opened the stack in Revolution 2.0.1 and the Variable Watcher worked
> perfectly.
> I am no expert on Revolution but this can't be right.
> I think this is related to bugs 377 and 378 in Bugzilla but I am not sure.
> Anyone else with a similar problem.
> Cheers,
> Neil
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