Variable Watcher bug

Igor Couto igor at
Thu Sep 18 22:11:01 EDT 2003

Dear Neil,

Have a look at Revolution's online Bug-Reporting system, 'Buzilla':

You may do searches there, to see if others have experienced the same  
problems as you - and perhaps even already reported them to the RunRev  
development team! I think you will find the following bug report  

BUG #378: "variable watcher : empty first line in variable names field": 

This might explain what you are experiencing.

In order to help give priority to this bug, ENROL in the bug reporting  
system, and VOTE for it!

On Tuesday, September 9, 2003, at 08:49  AM, Neil Phillips wrote:

> I've just bought the Studio Edition 2.1 and something very strange is
> happening in the Variable Watcher.
> I'm running the program on a Mac G3 in system 9.2.2.
> The actual effect of the script is fine but what's going on in the  
> Variable
> Watcher beats me. To clarify what's happening I made a one button one  
> field
> stack with the button script as follows:
> on mouseUp
>   put empty into fld 1
>   put "a" into Va
>   put "b" into Vb
>   put Va&return after fld 1
>   put Vb&return after fld 1
> end mouseUp
> When I run the script with a breakpoint I get the following.
> When I step into 'put "a" into Va' the variable watcher is:
> Left column		Right column
> 			mouseU
> mouseU			Va,Vb,tNames,mouseU
> tNames
> Va
> Vb
> As I step through the script on some occasions it will simply put "a"  
> in
> the right coulumn next to tnames and "b" next to Va.
> This may be related to bugs 377 and 378 in Bugzilla.
> However this is not an end to the weirdness.
> I noticed that something I was doing was causing the script to step  
> forward
> even when the cursor was nowhere near any of the buttons at the bottom  
> of
> the script window. What I discovered that there was a kind of hot spot  
> over
> the word "after" on either of the last two lines of the script. I tried
> replacing "after" with "into" and this did not cause the unwanted  
> stepping
> into. However, when I replaced "into" with "before" the script stepped  
> on
> as it did with "after".
> As this unwanted stepping throught the script happened the variable  
> watcher
> became completely scrambled.
> I opened the stack in Revolution 2.0.1 and the Variable Watcher worked
> perfectly.
> I am no expert on Revolution but this can't be right.
> I think this is related to bugs 377 and 378 in Bugzilla but I am not  
> sure.
> Anyone else with a similar problem.

Many thanks,
Igor de Oliveira Couto

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