Lobbying for Votes for my Bugs!

Igor Couto igor at pixelmedia.com.au
Thu Sep 18 21:13:01 EDT 2003

On Friday, September 19, 2003, at 11:38  AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> I would suggest that people not give any votes to enhancement 
> requests. I see far too many serious bugs in Revolution that need to 
> be addressed immediately. I would be much happier if the engine got 
> stable first and the enhancements happened later.
> If this product is to succeed, it has to stop crashing and all its 
> currently defined behaviors have to work correctly. That should come 
> first. Forget the enhancements for a while.

Point taken! - I humbly and wholeheartedly agree...

I suspect, as Ken Ray pointed out in an earlier post, that the 
'severity' of the bugs reported is already taken into consideration by 
the RunRev team, when deciding which bugs to fix first. I doubt very 
much that, at this stage, they would be implementing an 'enhancement' 
(which is way down at the bottom of the severity list), before fixing 
one of the 'normal' bugs...

Nevertheless, enhancement requests *are* a way to let the RunRev team 
know which features and areas of the program are most used, and 
appreciated. ANY voting will give them some level of useful feedback.

Thinking about 'new features' also gives programmers something POSITIVE 
to concentrate on, to 'look forward to' - both us, the users, and the 
RunRev developers need that - rather than forever hammering on the 
negative aspects of our tools...

Besides, with 100 votes to spread, we have enough to cover all of the 
URGENT bugs, and should still have quite a few left to spare!   :-)

So, whether you want to only vote for old and persistant bugs, or 
whether you want to spend all of your votes on new feature requests: 
don't forget to GO and CAST YOUR VOTE!!!

Many thanks,
Igor de Oliveira Couto

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