Bug submission

Wolfgang M. Bereuter wmb at internettrainer.com
Thu Sep 18 13:34:02 EDT 2003

On Donnerstag, Sep 18, 2003, at 18:48 Europe/Vienna, Mark Chia wrote:

> Currently, Runtime Revolution provides a web based interface for users 
> to
> report bugs which is publically accessible. It should be noted that 
> when
> submitting bugs users should provide a clear, concise and reproducible
> recipe. Users are also advised to read about the bug database along 
> with bug
> submitting guidelines located at -
> http://www.runrev.com/Revolution1/bugzilla/

Every tool has bugs, the question is how many and how long they exist. 
But the number of bugs in rev, which makes it useless for me is 
(For example now: the property profiles does work in the ide, but does 
NOT work when you build an app. I have set all textfields to another 
profile than Master. But all text fields in the build are empty.
Rev 2.1 build a standalone which opens the rev ide. Impossible to 
change that.
The 2.1 build produces an error of the windows engine...
etc...) (OSX 10.2.6 G4 >1 Giga Ram)

But I need that functions. I have bought a rev license because of the 
features it has, in the description at least. But this new bug makes it 
AGAIN impossible to deliver my program!!!

Somethimes I really ask myself: Wolfgang, are you an idiot? Why have 
you bought another licenses when you are waiting and waiting since such 
a long time for a usable tool and you dont get it..?

I have wasted a lot of time during the last 2 years reporting bugs - Im 
tired of that. These bugs are serious not cosmetic. I have bought 2 rev 
licenses in the last years to deliver a program to my costumers, but 
was able to do that until today). I want a (bugless/bugfree as 
possible)-programm which does what the description promises, and I want 
it soon now. But I dont want to learn and struggle with bugzilla, 
because it is very complicated...!

So I think you, or anybody of the rev team, who is more trained on 
bugzilla, should still watch this list, like before, and transfer the 
bug reports and bug descriptions from here to bugzilla.

my 2 cents

Wolfgang M. Bereuter

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INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Edelhofg. 17/11, A-1180 Wien, Austria
http://www.internettrainer.com, wmb at internettrainer.com
Tel: ++43/1/ 961 0418, Fax: ++43/1/ 479 2539

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