Best version of Rev to use for debugging?

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Wed Sep 17 01:02:01 EDT 2003

--- Ken Ray <kray at> wrote:
> Thanks, Jan! Now if we can only deal with the pesky
> breakpoints that
> don't clear themselves... :-)
> Ken Ray

Hi Ken,

I looked, but I'm even less sure about my solution for
this one, as the documentation for the built-in
debugging commands and functions is non-existent.

NOTE :: As always, use at your on risk :

- before making any changes, backup the stack
    \global environment\revlibrary.rev

- now use the message box to execute the command
    edit the script of btn "revCommon" of card id 1002
of stack "revLibrary"

- then scroll to the setProp for cREVGeneral
    setProp cREVGeneral[pWhichProp] pWhichProfile

- scroll down a bit to the section that starts with
      if pWhichProp is "breakPoints" then
  and you'll see how interwovn it is with other
undocumented bits of the engine and the IDE.

- in the middle of that section you see the lines
      set the cREVGeneral["debugObjects"] of stack
tMainStack to tObjects
      repeat for each line l in tBreakPointsList
        if tTarget is not in l then put l & cr after
      end repeat

- that's where I think the problem lies ; I looked at
the contents of 'the breakpoints' and discovered that
it contains lines of the form :
  long ID of the object with the breakpoint, line
number of the breakpoint

- but a little higher up, the variable tTarget was
altered so that it is no longer the long ID of the
target, so of course it won't find existing

- therefore, my fix is to insert right after
      set the cREVGeneral["debugObjects"] of stack
tMainStack to tObjects
  the following line :
      put the long ID of the target into tTarget

- and that just light solve it ; however, your mileage
may vary as I don't know enough about the internal
debugging bits.

I am going to hop in the shower now and go to work,
but I hope this helps someone nail it down.

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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