cgi-engine does not run

Alex Rice alex at
Wed Sep 10 19:26:01 EDT 2003

On Wednesday, September 10, 2003, at 06:36  AM, Björnke von Gierke 
> I was able to get it running using the mc engine.

Björnke, it is strange that the mc cgi engine would work, but the 
revolution cgi engine would not work, for the same script. Were you 
able to replicate the problem and did you bug report it?

> Looking at the server log is a cruel advice!

Not really, and it's also impossible to debug a lot of web server 
problems without it :-)

> The server log seems to be hidden behind the seven mountains at the 
> seven dwarfs. I can't find it, where is that stupid thing under mac OS 
> X?

On OS X it's in: /var/log/httpd/error_log

On Unix you can usually find logfiles in /var/log. It's also possible 
to install Apache to wherever and sometimes you can  find it in 
/etc/httpd or /usr/local/apache or /usr/share/opt/pub/misc/apache (ok 
that one is made up)

Don't bother looking for /var/log with Finder, since it hides all the 
BSD Unix directories at the root level.

Useful for debugging:

  "tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log"
(or depending on permissions)
  "sudo tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log"

Alex Rice <alex at> | Mindlube Software |

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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