Icons and scope

Graham Samuel livfoss at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Sep 10 17:41:00 EDT 2003

I'm trying to set the icon of a button to an image in a different 
substack from the one where the button is. I note from the TD that 
this is possible, but it appears that such an image must have a 
unique name. I mean the script has to be like

  set the icon of btn "myButton" to "imageForIcon"

The engine then goes and finds "imageForIcon" and uses its unique ID 
to set the icon of the button.

It appears you can't write

  set the icon of btn "myButton" to image "imageForIcon" of cd 
"MyIcons" of stack "myStuff".

So the name of the image has to be unique in the whole app. Am I 
right about this, and if so, are there any other situations where RR 
breaks the ordinary scope rules, where a name is in principle 
qualified by group, card and stack names (some of which may in many 
circumstances remain implied)? I have a feeling the issue may also 
apply to objects in nested groups, but I'm not sure.

          Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK & France

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