MenuBar in Mac OS X

Yves COPPE yvescoppe at
Mon Sep 8 05:13:00 EDT 2003

Le lundi, 8 sep 2003, à 09:38 Europe/Brussels, Martin Baxter a écrit :

> Dear Yves,
> I too have a problem with this for a long time. Scott Raney doubts 
> this is
> a bug but I'm not convinced.
> I only get this problem in *substacks* that have a menubar - never yet 
> with
> mainstacks - is your problem with a substack or a mainstack ?
> First point, as you have discovered, you cannot fix this by resizing 
> the
> script in a preopenstack handler. The engine itself is busy resizing 
> the
> stack at that point and if your script  tries to resize it as well it 
> will
> just make confusion.
> I've found 2 ways to deal with it:
> ## 1) In my case it is only my substacks that are affected.
> So if it is possible to make the problem stacks into separate 
> mainstacks
> (instead of being substacks), you may find the problem stops happening.
> ## or 2) (This is a bit more complicated but for some reason it seems 
> to work)
> In the substacks that have menubars I put this:
>     on savestackrequest
>          set the height of me to x
>         ### (x = the wanted height in pixels)
>          pass savestackrequest
>     end savestackrequest
> Then immediately before building the app I run this script (which is 
> in a
> utility stack that isn't part of the build)
> # pre-build save, first open all
>     put the substacks of stack "themainstack" into sslist
>     repeat for each line i in sslist
>       if i is not in the windows then
>         open stack i
>       end if
>     end repeat
>     put the menustacklist of field "stacklist" of stack "utilitystack" 
> into
> data
> # menustacklist is just a custom property that
> # holds the names of the substacks that have menubars
>     if data is not empty then
>       repeat for each line i in data
>         save stack i
>        #( this runs the savestackrequest handler
>        # and sets the stacks height correctly)
>       end repeat
>     end if
>     # now save all the substacks
>     repeat for each line i in sslist
>       save stack i
>     end repeat
>     # now close all the substacks
>     repeat for each line i in sslist
>       close stack i
>     end repeat
>     put "Pre - Build Prep Done"
> After this I close the mainstack by hand, quit, restart, and build
> All of this is "empirical" rather than "scientific" But for me it works
> reliably.
> martin baxter

It does also work here !!!
thank you.


yvescoppe at

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