MenuBar in Mac OS X

Martin Baxter martin at
Mon Sep 8 02:53:00 EDT 2003

Dear Yves,

I too have a problem with this for a long time. Scott Raney doubts this is
a bug but I'm not convinced.
I only get this problem in *substacks* that have a menubar - never yet with
mainstacks - is your problem with a substack or a mainstack ?

First point, as you have discovered, you cannot fix this by resizing the
script in a preopenstack handler. The engine itself is busy resizing the
stack at that point and if your script  tries to resize it as well it will
just make confusion.

I've found 2 ways to deal with it:

## 1) In my case it is only my substacks that are affected.
So if it is possible to make the problem stacks into separate mainstacks
(instead of being substacks), you may find the problem stops happening.

## or 2) (This is a bit more complicated but for some reason it seems to work)

In the substacks that have menubars I put this:

    on savestackrequest
         set the height of me to x
        ### (x = the wanted height in pixels)
         pass savestackrequest
    end savestackrequest

Then immediately before building the app I run this script (which is in a
utility stack that isn't part of the build)

# pre-build save, first open all
    put the substacks of stack "themainstack" into sslist
    repeat for each line i in sslist
      if i is not in the windows then
        open stack i
      end if
    end repeat
    put the menustacklist of field "stacklist" of stack "utilitystack" into
# menustacklist is just a custom property that
# holds the names of the substacks that have menubars
    if data is not empty then
      repeat for each line i in data
        save stack i
       #( this runs the savestackrequest handler
       # and sets the stacks height correctly)
      end repeat
    end if
    # now save all the substacks
    repeat for each line i in sslist
      save stack i
    end repeat
    # now close all the substacks
    repeat for each line i in sslist
      close stack i
    end repeat
    put "Pre - Build Prep Done"

After this I close the mainstack by hand, quit, restart, and build

All of this is "empirical" rather than "scientific" But for me it works

martin baxter

 Yves COPPE wrote:
>To: Use Rev <use-revolution at>
>Reply-To: use-revolution at
>Hello list,
>Working on Mac OS X 10.2.6  FR with Rev 2.1
>I will ask something it has already been discussed before but I don't
>find a solution.
>I've made a simple stack with Rev 2.1. Metal decorations. Buid
>Now i'd like to add a menuBar
>when I build the distribution app, and open my app afterwards, the
>stack's height is truncated of the height of the menubar's height.
>how can I retrieve my normal stack's height.
>I've tried :
>on preopenstack
>set the height of stack "xxx" to "yyy"
>end preopenstack
>but it doesn't work fine.
>yvescoppe at

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