Novice developer: problem with Buidl Distribution...

Annemieke Copal anncopal at
Sun Sep 7 09:17:00 EDT 2003


I'm a novice user of Revolution version 2.0, which came with de  
magazine MacWorld. I tried to build a simple standalone programe for  
MacOSX, which contains a textfield, a button and an image. The only  
thing the programe should do, is make the image visible and invisible.
I tried the programe in "Browse" mode, and it worked.. so i wanted to  
try to build the distribution. I followed the 3 steps, but when  
compiling, the following massage appeared:

Can't open destination standalonefile /Macintosh HD/Users/[my  
username]/Documents/[custom made directory]/Revolution 2.0.1/[another  
custom made  

The only files in the directory Standalone_MacOSX_testje are the subdir  
Data (which is empty because I had only one stack), and the  
mainstackfile klik.rev
I do not understand what went wrong, and I can't find a clue in the  
documentation. Can somebody please help me with this problem, because I  
would like to explore te prossibilities of Revolution, but without  
runnen programes that's not possible..

Annemieke Copal

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