The Directory Walker revisited

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at
Fri Sep 5 22:48:00 EDT 2003

On Friday, September 5, 2003, at 05:47  PM, David Vaughan wrote:

> Not in the terminology but in reading of recursive code. The process 
> above is indeed depth-first and will recurse only to the maxDepth. The 
> next folder at the same level will not be processed until all lower 
> folders have been processed, and that statement is of course 
> (recursively) true for each lower folder. Thus, depth matters, breadth 
> is irrelevant. You can test this by walking a small tree while 
> displaying depth and breadth in real time.
> If the processing were post-order rather than pre-order then breadth 
> would count but in Geoff's and my code it does not. I think this is 
> where the principal confusion has arisen.

In fact, I did write exactly such a counter, just to be certain I 
wasn't mistaken.


Geoff Canyon
gcanyon at

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