correction: shutDownRequest HANDLER fails to work
Thierry Arbellot
thierry.arbellot at
Fri Sep 5 15:16:01 EDT 2003
you can try the following:
Create one shutdownRequest handler in the substack
and another in the main stack.
Change the answer message to know which handler is run.
The first time you try to quit, the handler in the substack is run, but
from the 2nd time, the handler in the main stack is run.
Hope it helps.
On Friday, September 5, 2003, at 06:19 PM, Barry Levine wrote:
> Thierry,
> I also tried putting the shutDownRequest handler in the main stack but
> it is ignored completely. I ran more tests last night and found that
> the only way the request is handled -past- the first time it is called
> is to make the stack that contains the menu (and the handler) the
> "main" stack in the distribution. I can't do this as this stack's data
> must remain modifiable.
> I'd be happy to send you the three stacks if you'd like to examine
> them. So far, I can see nothing that would be causing this problem.
> Could there be something in the way I have set up my menu? In other
> words: My main stack (where the engine is attached) and the secondary
> stack (a "sign-in" stack) have no menus. Only the third stack (the
> main one from the user's perspective) has been given a menu. The
> shutDownRequest handler is in that stack's stack script. It works the
> first time it is called but it is ignored the second time; that app
> just quits without the shutDownRequest handler executing.
> Barry
> On Friday, Sep 5, 2003, at 05:54 America/Denver,
> use-revolution-request at wrote:
>> Subject: Re: correction: shutDownRequest HANDLER fails to work
>> From: Thierry Arbellot <thierry.arbellot at>
>> To: use-revolution at
>> Reply-To: use-revolution at
>> Hi Barry,
>> I use the shutdownRequest handler in my app (OSX 10.2.6, Rev since v
>> 2.0) and it does work fine every-time.
>> I put the handler in the main stack, to be sure to intercept the Quit
>> command from any substack.
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