Workaround for adding Unicode text to a field

Ron rbarber at
Thu Sep 4 02:06:01 EDT 2003

Hi Kjetil

I do a similar thing with Japanese text, viz add words to a list to build
vocabularies, etc.

> The problem of adding Unicode text to a field was discussed by
> several exasperated list members this summer. I have now found a
> partial workaround that solves at least my particular problem: I want
> the user to be able to select (by clicking or dragging) a word in a
> field and then click a button to add it, on a new line, at the end of
> another field (for the purpose of building a vocabulary list). This
> is the button script:
> on mouseup
> put the selectedText into stuff
> select after field 3
> type return
> set the clipboarddata["Unicode"] to  stuff
> select after  field 3
> paste
> end mouseup

Have you tried simply 'copy' instead of 'put the selectedtext into stuff'
and then 'set the clipboarddata["unicode"]'?

> This works fine with single words, but if you have a multiword
> selection, every second word gets turned into CJK - fun to look at
> but not very useful.

what does the htmltext of the resulting text look like? this might help
diagnose the problem.


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