Workaround for adding Unicode text to a field

Kjetil Rå Hauge k.r.hauge at
Wed Sep 3 17:45:13 EDT 2003

The problem of adding Unicode text to a field was discussed by 
several exasperated list members this summer. I have now found a 
partial workaround that solves at least my particular problem: I want 
the user to be able to select (by clicking or dragging) a word in a 
field and then click a button to add it, on a new line, at the end of 
another field (for the purpose of building a vocabulary list). This 
is the button script:

on mouseup
   put the selectedText into stuff
   select after field 3
   type return
   set the clipboarddata["Unicode"] to  stuff
   select after  field 3
end mouseup

This works fine with single words, but if you have a multiword 
selection, every second word gets turned into CJK - fun to look at 
but not very useful. The added operation of typing the return is 
necessary - merely adding the return to the variable "stuff" does not 
effect a new line. However, it does leave *something* there - when I 
changed the secondlast line to "select after line 4 of field 3" these 
dormant returns seemed to be recognised.
--- Kjetil Rå Hauge, U. of Oslo. Tel. +47/22856710, fax +47/22854140
--- (this msg sent from home, +47/67148424, fax +1/5084372444)

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