Radio buttons as indicator lights

Ray G. Miller rgmiller at
Wed Sep 3 14:30:00 EDT 2003

From: Graham <graham.samuel at>

 > I just want to zap this last effect but I don't know how to do it. If I
can't find a solution, I will have to stand down the whole radio button
idea and do it all by scripting - perfectly possible, but a pain.


If the user has no control over the radio buttons, the user will be 
fustrated... It's an incorrect user interface.

Change to something else. How about colored oval graphics? create an 
filled dark-gray oval to indicate one situation (like off) and one which 
is colored deep green,

when a condition is met then:

on chooseThisOne grafName
   lock screen
   -- the graphics are named: "test.1", "test.2", etc.
   -- without the quotes

   repeat with x = 1 to 5 -- the number of indicators (graphics)
     put "test." & x into grafTempName
     set the backGroundColor of graphic grafTempName to "100,100,100"
         -- gray
     -- or
     -- set the backGroundColor of graphic grafTempName to "white"
     -- white
   end repeat

   set the backGroundColor of graphic grafName to "51,102,51" -- green
   unlock screen
end chooseThisOne

This way the user is never confusing radio btns with indicators.

Ray G. Miller
Turtlelips Productions
4009 Everett Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
MailTo:rgmiller at
(V) 510.530.1971
(F) 510.482.3491

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