Radio buttons as indicator lights

Graham graham.samuel at
Wed Sep 3 08:15:00 EDT 2003

Thanks to several people who put me on the right track to get radio buttons 
to work via scripting.

I've now got another problem. I admit I'm slightly abusing the radio button 
idea: normally the user clicks on one button and that turns off any hilited 
one in the set. In my case, I **only** want this effect via scripting, 
since the user is just seeing the buttons as indicator lights - in other 
words I want there to be no effect if the user clicks on a button.

This turns out to be more difficult than I thought. I have turned off 
everything I can think of (apart from visibility!) in the individual 
buttons in the group, put dummy 'mouseUp' and (even) 'mouseDown' messages 
in the buttons and in the group itself to 'soak up' the mouse clicks, but I 
still get a residual effect, which is that when the user clicks on a 
non-hilited button, then the hilited button turns off. This is the same as 
if I'd set the hilitedButton of the group to zero via script. Further 
clicks have no effect.

I just want to zap this last effect but I don't know how to do it. If I 
can't find a solution, I will have to stand down the whole radio button 
idea and do it all by scripting - perfectly possible, but a pain.

TIA for any advice.


Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK & France  

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