CGI and find
J. Landman Gay
jacque at
Tue Sep 2 17:59:01 EDT 2003
On 9/2/03 5:25 PM, Dar Scott wrote:
> Where is your find script? In the library stack?
My setup (OS X) is:
MC Darwin engine in /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/
A text file called "" containing the script in the same folder
A stack called "" in the same folder
Elsewhere on disk, I have an html form where I can enter the search
terms. Its contents are sent with a "get" directive in the action
statement. I load the html form from disk into my browser, fill out the
search terms, and hit the Send button.
The script in the text file looks like this (watch for line wrap):
on startup
put "Content-Type: text/html" & cr & cr
put the ticks into theStart
put urlDecode($QUERY_STRING) into theTerm
if $REQUEST_METHOD is "GET" then delete char 1 to offset("=",theTerm)
of theTerm
put "" into buffer
put "" into theStack
if theTerm = "" then
put "No query submitted." after buffer
else if there is no stack theStack then
put "Data stack cannot be found." after buffer
start using stack theStack
set the defaultstack to "fictionwise" -- not sure if you need this
put 0 into theCt
mark cds by finding theTerm
repeat with x = 1 to the number of marked cds
put "<b>" & fld "title" of marked cd x & "</b><p>" & cr after buffer
-- other stuff here
add 1 to theCt
end repeat
stop using stack theStack
end if
put the ticks - theStart && "ticks" into theETime
put theNumHits && "found" into theNumHits
put url ("file:header.txt") & "<h3>Results for " "e& theTerm
"e& colon \
& "</h3>"& theCt && "found" && "<p> <p>" before buffer
put cr&cr& "<p> <p>Execution time: " & theETime & "</body>
</html>" after buffer
put buffer
end startup
This works and is pretty fast. All "put" statments that don't go into
variables get automatically written to stdout; you don't need "write"
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at
HyperActive Software |
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