no encryption bug - extremely hidden feature ;-)

Klaus Major klaus at
Mon Sep 1 15:54:01 EDT 2003

Hi Barry,

> The following script will not function properly in an encrypted stack 
> whether in a Distribution or the IDE.
> on mouseUp
>   put the short name of image 1 into theName
>   copy image theName to this stack
> answer it
> end mouseUp
> Try this yourself. Create a stack with one button and one image. Give 
> the stack a password.
> Save, close & remove from memory, and reopen the stack. The script 
> doesn't work. Provide
> the passkey. The script now works.
> The Rev docs say that encryption is supposed to prevent users from 
> changing the stack
> but that scripts are unaffected. Is this a bug?

This is a rather undocumented(?) feature.

You cannot copy objects from a password protected stack...

Hope that helps...

> Barry


Klaus Major
klaus at

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