OS X: Can launch app but not file

Kaveh Bazargan kaveh at deletethisbit.focalimage.com
Mon Sep 1 07:11:00 EDT 2003

At 5:45 am -0600 1/9/03, Trevor DeVore wrote:


>If you want to be able to type scripts in and have them executed you could
>create a custom property to hold the applescript to run.
>Create a custom prop called uAppleScript in the stack.  Paste the
>following into it:
>display dialog "hi"
>Create a button with the following script:
>on mouseUp
>    do the uAppleScript of this stack as applescript
>end mouseUp
>You should see a dialog box with 'Hi' displayed in it.

Wow. I hadn't got to custom properties yet. But that is excellent.

I just thought I had been very clever, and put a script in a field, and
then said

do field "script" as applescript

but this one's better! Thanks.

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