Windows sound and music--help!

Scott Rossi scott at
Sat Oct 25 12:22:56 EDT 2003

>> You already know how to control the system volume -- adjust the global
>> playLoudness property.
> Thanks for your comments. About this one though--playLoudness doesn't
> seem to change the system setting, just the loudness for sounds with
> the play command. The music goes by the real system setting and
> changes volume when you change the setting in the system tray volume
> control, while the play command uses the playloudness, so there are
> two separate volumes. Not bad, if they could be both controlled
> directly.

In fact, the global playLoudness does affect the system volume -- I've built
stacks that use the playLoudness to fade out the playback of looping sounds.
I think you're running into something else.  I believe on Windows, MIDI has
a separate volume from the system volume so while your script can affect the
volume level of all *sounds*, it is not changing the *MIDI* volume level.

I would look on the net to see if there's any MCI control string for the
MIDI volume level.  A quick search came up with these references that
appears to indicate volume control is *possible*, along the lines of "set
MIDI Volume To...":

Here are Visual Basic files, one of which claims to allow MIDI volume


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at

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