How do I delete substacks?

Mark Powell Mark.Powell at
Thu Oct 23 18:06:44 EDT 2003

The rub is that I have no idea how those resource stacks became substacks of
my main stack.  I am guessing it happened during  an attempt at building a
distribution.  Any ideas?


-----Original Message-----
From: Klaus Major [mailto:klaus at]
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 2:57 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: How do I delete substacks?

Hi Mark,

> How do I delete substacks?

See the dox -> delete stack

To delete a mainstack:
    delete stack "name of stack"

To delete a substack:
    delete stack "name of substack" of stack "name of mainstack"

> What if they are Rev's resource stacks
> (revMenuBar, revIcons, for example)?

Well... ehmm...
Let me put it this way: That would not be good! ;-)

Since YOU are writing the scripts (do you?) this should be easily 
avoidable ;-)

> Thanks.
> Mark Powell
> (a former HyperCard user who is not yet clear on the concept of 
> substacks)

Hope that helps...


Klaus Major
klaus at

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