Quicktime movie

Judy Perry jperryl at ecs.fullerton.edu
Wed Oct 22 17:47:35 EDT 2003

Another is Stern & Lettieri's Visual QuickStart Guide to QT Pro.  I think
they have a website mentioned in the book but a quick google search didn't
find it for me.


On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Ian Wood wrote:

> Getting the movie into Rev is fairly easy, you add a QuickTime Player
> (bottom right in the tool bar), go to the inspector (properties in Rev
> 1.1.1) and click on 'source' which will open up an open file dialog
> where you can choose the movie file.
> Making the QT movie is a bit more complex.  Is this from video?  If you
> are on a Mac then iMovie has reasonably good export options.  What
> options you choose will depend on your final use- CD, web etc.  With
> some more info about your needs we can give you more feedback!
> A good reference book is 'QuickTime for the web: for windows and
> macintosh" 3rd Ed by Steven Gulie.
> Some sites:
> http://www.judyandrobert.com/quicktime/
> http://www.quicktiming.org/

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