Edit Group problem

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Wed Oct 22 05:40:16 EDT 2003

Hi Graham,

> On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 20:38:44 -0500, "Ken Ray" <kray at sonsothunder.com> 
> wrote:
>> First of all, I would avoid editing the group and just address items 
>> in
>> the group directly if you can. For example, if you do:
>>   delete image "face.gif" of grp "TheGroup"
>> you don't need to be in "editing" mode to do it; you can be just "on 
>> the
>> card" with the browse tool when the command executes and it will work.
>> However, to get new images *into* a group from the clipboard, there's
>> not much more you can do that what you're already doing unless you 
>> know
>> the dimensions of the image (width and height) ahead of time.
> Ken, thanks for this info. I didn't realise you could edit the 
> individual objects of a
> group without putting the group into edit mode - if this is in the 
> docs, I ain't seen it.
> As to your second point, what do you mean by the last sentence - what 
> if I **did**
> know the dimensions of the image? I'm sorry but I don't quite grasp 
> your meaning here.
> The fact is I have a lot of little images I want to do this to, and 
> for other reasons I was thinking
> of making them all the same size - so this technique might be relevant 
> to me.

Even if the images (not referenced!) are not of the same size, you can 
always do:

put image "face.gif" into img "placeholder image" of grp "TheGroup"

"placeholder image" will resize to fit the new "content"...

Check it out, very handy feature, no problems so far...
(And a bit less complicated than using "imagedata" ;-)

Hope that helps...

> Graham


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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