Playing large sound files

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Wed Oct 22 05:32:38 EDT 2003

On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 16:57:47 -0400,  Thomas J McGrath III 
<3mcgrath at> wrote:
>Do all sounds need to have a controller in order to play?
>Is the controller just a Quicktime controller?
>Would the end user then need to have quicktime installed? - I hope not.
>Why did they not state this in the built in documents? - I played with
>AIFF, MP3 and MP4s for hours.
>If I use a WAV file can I then avoid a cross platform and quicktime

I'm using WAV files without QT and they work fine using 'play 
audioclip' and 'stop playing' - but I don't know what huge files 
would be like. I reluctantly gave up using QT because I couldn't 
impose QT installation on my Windows users (hard-pressed teachers 
with a low level of technical expertise on average). QT is however 
superior in many respects - for example you can play more than one 
sound simultaneously, whereas using audioclips AFAIK you can only 
play one at a time, so I had to fake it by recording the various 
combinations of sounds that I need (this is easy for me because 
they're just little sound effects).



          Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK & France

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