Quicktime movie

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Tue Oct 21 16:02:40 EDT 2003

Hi Tamee,

> Hi all.
> I am quite new to Rev, and am looking for some help on playing a  
> Quicktime
> movie in Rev. How do I create the Quicktime file in the first place,

You could use the revVideoGrabber to record QT movies from a camera...

Thats the only way to create QT files in RR...

> and then how do I get Rev to play it?

Once you have a QT movie, you just need to create a new player-object  
in RR
(the icon on the bottomright in the tools palette), set its filename in  
the inspector
and there you go. Check "showController" and you will need no extra  
button to
start/stop the movie :-)

> Is there a good resource for getting 'how-to' information like this?

Here :-)


and many more that i dont know by heart right now :-)

And don't forget to ask this list!!!

> Thanks for the help.

Hope that helps...

> Tamee Albrecht
> Dept of Geosciences
> University of Massachusetts, Amherst
> talbrech at student.umass.edu


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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