sending menupick to combobox button

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Tue Oct 21 11:07:16 EDT 2003

At 7:38 am -0700 21/10/03, Mark Swindell wrote:
>I have a combobox button with several menuitems in it.  Next to it 
>is a plain radio button which serves to mark the state (on/off) of 
>the combobox.
>When  the radio button is cllcked,  I need it to send a menupick to 
>the combobox so that the current combobox's label's menupick script 
>runs, just as if the user had selected the option from the 
>combobox's own menu options.  (There's a mouthful.)
>What is the correct syntax for making this happen?

Not sure about correct, but this seems to work:

  put the label of button "myCombo" into tLab
   send "menuPick tLab" to button "myCombo"

Using "set the menuHistory" doesn't work as the menuPick message 
isn't sent if there is no change in the label.


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