Deleting lines in a field...

John jburtt at
Fri Oct 17 22:25:58 EDT 2003

>  >In previous versions of Revolution if you used a command like:
>  >
>>  delete line 3 of fld "test"
>>  the entire line would be deleted (if there were 10 lines, now there
>>  would be 9 lines).
>>  In version 2.1, if I use the same command, the contents of line 3 are
>>  deleted, but the empty line remains (there are still 10 lines in the
>>  field).
>>  Anybody else find this to be true? How do I delete the entire line? Have
>>  I missed something?
>If I remember right, this was a bug that got fixed. Are you using the
>latest version of Rev?

Thanks to everyone with the quick responses. I checked with all my 
old Rev versions (1.1.1, 2.0, 2.0.1, and 2.0.2) and the delete lines 
in a field command does work as expected. So, Fred, you should take a 
closer look. Deleting lines is suppose to work.
However, in version 2.1RC1, it does not work. I will take 
Jacqueline's word, and hope that it has been fixed. Unfortunately for 
me, this was my last upgrade. I guess I'll have to try and find that 
old credit card and send in some money to get the latest and greatest.



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