Deleting lines in a field...
Richard Gaskin
ambassador at
Fri Oct 17 19:17:41 EDT 2003
FMoyer at wrote:
>> FMoyer at wrote:
>>> I am confused by everyone's responses. I am experiencing the same thing
>> as
>>> John. But that is the way it has always been -- in Hypercard, in Metacard
>> and
>>> in
>>> all versions I've used of Revolution. If you have 10 lines in fld "test"
>> and
>>> type
>>> delete line 3 of fld "test"
>>> you still have 10 lines; the only difference is that line 3 is blank.
>> That's not how it works in HyperCard, Rev, or any of the xTalks as far
>> as I
>> can recall. After being mystified by this thread I double-checked both
>> Rev
>> and HyperCard.
>> To get the blank line you'd use:
>> put empty into line 3 of fld "test"
> Wow! I learn something new everyday! I misread John's email. I honestly
> didn't know you could just type
> delete line 3 of fld "test"
> and get rid of the whole line and the carriage return. Besides feeling
> stupid, I'm overjoyed that I don't have to go to such ridiculous lengths to
> delete a line and keep textstyles intact.
No chagrin; there isn't enough bandwidth for me to list all of the
assumptions I've made mistakenly about xTalk usage. It was my own lack of
confidence on this issue that prompted me to boot HC and verify. :)
I think that's the key: when in doubt, test.
And if you've ever submitted a bug report to Scott Raney you've probably had
the lecture about the usefulness of testing in isolation, outside of the
context of your app where other factors can come into play in unexpected
ways. Oh, the embarassing moments of submitting a bug report only to find
the issue was one of my too-clever frontscripts....
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Media Corporation
Ambassador at
Tel: 323-225-3717 AIM: FourthWorldInc
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