JDBC instead of ODBC

Pierre Sahores psahores at easynet.fr
Sun Oct 5 15:22:01 EDT 2003

Le dim 05/10/2003 à 21:56, Júlio César Ködel a écrit :
> > I would for my own say : before them and many others alike, Sybase ASE
> > 12.5 or IBM DB2, and along the other best ACID compliant SQL server
> > available for free : the usefull and unbreakable PostgreSQL...
> >
> PostgreSQL... Did you install it on Windows? How many days did you get to do
> this task?

My apologies about Win32 ;-> I don't need nor want to use it anymore,
since i'm mostly working in about Web's and ERP's client-server
solutions and because OSX and Linux are giving me all the power and
security i need, where Win NT, XP and so, are, as server-side solutions,
in less than 15 seconds, still full breakables and unsecure systems.

> A good program is a program that you don't need to be a pHD in informatic to
> install. Remember that our costumers are not always genius. Install MySQL or
> PostgreSQL is a pain for a light user, MS SQL is too big... 

Agreed ;-)

> Firebird is the
> only one that you can deploy within your application (it have about 3Mb and
> installation is just as simple as copy files and run a register app.). The
> driver is just a small ActiveX DLL, which you put in the System Folder, call
> Register Service of DLL and you're done (and you don't need to use ODBC for
> that. It will create a ADODB engine).
> Remember RAD? It would be fast, easy and fun ;-)
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Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

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