anyone seeing a bug with for each and split when combined?

Ken Ray kray at
Fri Nov 28 12:34:17 EST 2003


Try copying the value from the variable in "repeat for each" to a new
variable; it is documented that attempting to change a "for each"
variable can cause odd behavior. So try this:

repeat for each line tLine in tData
  put tLine into tLineData
  split tLineData using "="
end repeat


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site: 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-revolution-bounces at 
> [mailto:use-revolution-bounces at] On Behalf Of 
> Phil Jimmieson
> Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 8:22 AM
> To: use-revolution at
> Subject: anyone seeing a bug with for each and split when combined?
> Hi folks,
> Using Rev 2.1.2 and OSX 10.3 I'm seeing the following odd 
> behaviour: I have a text file which contains 
> name=value1=value2 triples. I'm 
> reading the whole file in and placing the file into a variable 
> "temp", then using "repeat for each line" to get the lines, then 
> splitting them using "=". This no longer seems to work reliably. If I 
> let it run, some lines from the file don't get processed properly (or 
> at least, they fail to split). If I run it under the debugger, it 
> seems to work more reliably (depending on where I place the 
> breakpoint). It's almost as though every other line is being 
> junked. I changed the code to so as to put the number of 
> lines of temp into 
> another variable, and use a "repeat with"instead,  putting each 
> specific line of temp into a variable myself, and then doing the 
> split. This works perfectly.
> Anyone else seeing this? It seems to have started happening 
> only recently.
> -- 
> Phil Jimmieson  phil at  (UK) 0151 794 3689  
> (Mobile) 07976 983164 Computer Science Dept., Liverpool 
> University, Chadwick Building, Peach Street
> Liverpool L69 7ZF    
>    I used to sit on a special medical board... ...but now I 
> use this ointment. _______________________________________________
> use-revolution mailing list
> use-revolution at 
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