lens effect on an image

Yves COPPE yvescoppe at skynet.be
Wed Nov 26 14:59:40 EST 2003

Le 25 nov. 03, à 22:08, Ken Norris a écrit :

> Hi Yves,
> I know. All it does is zoom the image in its own rect, because that's 
> where
> the script does it. I had mentioned you'd have to capture the image to 
> zoom
> yourself, i.e., import a snapshot of a particular rect relative to the
> coordinates returned in a mouseMove message handler, and display it at 
> a
> position of your choice at mouseUp.
> You could put the modified handler in a transparent object whose rects 
> would
> define the imported image rect, or in a card/stack-level mouseMove with
> specified rect coordinates relative to mouseMove, and display the 
> imported
> image at whatever location you want. The "zoom engine" part of the 
> handler
> zooms the resulting imported image at its loc, not the target, i.e., 
> that's
> how you'd modify it.
Hi Ken,

I'm waiting impatiently for some help, I can't find my way to write a 
working code.

Please help...

Thank you


yvescoppe at skynet.be

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